Week 6: WWII & Epistolary Fiction

We’ll wrap up our exploration of WWII with a reading of Address Unknown, by Katherine Kressman Taylor. We will continue epistolary fiction with 3 short stories by Emma Donoghue’s short story collection Astray.

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Tuesday, October 1

Before Class

In Class

Thursday, October 3

Before Class

  • Sign up for and read one short story from Emma Donoghue’s Astray.
    • ‘Counting the Days’ is based on the 1840s correspondence of two emigrants from Northern Ireland to Canada.
    • ‘Onward’ is suggested by several letters from Charles Dickens about a family he helped to emigrate to Canada.
    • ‘The Gift’ is inspired by letters to a New York adoption agency from the birth mother and adoptive father of a little girl.

In Class

  • Activity and discussion with short stories
    • Pecha Kucha template: make own copy
    • Uses blank layout (open for adding own background, images, text boxes, etc.)
    • Once complete, we are going to use ‘Publish to Web’. Go to File >> Share >> Publish to Web. Configure as seen below:
      • Auto-advance slides: Every 10 seconds
      • Check: Start slideshow as soon as the player loads
      • Click on ‘Publish’
    • Copy the link to this document.
  • Introduce Creative Writing Assignment
  • Due next week: WWII writing project and presentation.

Weekly Writing

  1. This weekly writing should focus on any reading/activity/exercise/etc that you found particularly interesting this week.
  2. Weekly Writings will be due by Monday of each week.
  3. Submit your post URL in Canvas.

Commenting / Online Discussions

  • Commenting / Online Discussions
    • You will need to comment on 2 other students’ posts, based on the list below. This week you will comment on students who are 5 and 6 below you. If you get to the bottom of the list, move to the top.
      • Shanyah
      • Lamar
      • Sharay
      • Eli
      • Tifa
      • Tori
      • Katelyn
      • Dani
      • Haven
      • Sarah
      • Aliki
      • Amal
      • Joey
      • Ruby
    • Be sure to use our FYS183 group in Hypothes.is.
    • You should comment before class next Tuesday.
    • Once you’ve commented on your two students, post their names in Canvas.
