Week 2: WWII Communication

We’re going to start off looking at WWII, more generally on Tuesday and then more locally on Thursday. You should start meeting with Julia this week. See Canvas for sign-ups.

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Tuesday, September 3

Before Class

Complete the Tech Set-up for this course.

In Class

  • Read over your section of PBS Ken Burns WWII Communication. Use Hypothes.is to annotate & highlight. Remember to use our group when annotating.
    • News and Censorship
    • Letters & Diaries
    • Propaganda
  • Use 3-2-1:
    • 3 key points/ideas/things you found interesting
    • 2 questions that the reading generated for you
    • 1 AHA concept
  • Discussion

First Letter

Letter to Your Future Self

Thursday, September 5

First Paper/Presentation

Assignments on Letter Writing: WWII:

Weekly Writing

  1. This weekly writing should focus on any reading/activity/exercise/etc. that you found particularly interesting this week.
  2. Weekly Writings will be due by the start of class each week.
  3. Submit your post URL in Canvas.