Letter #1: Letter to Your Future Self


This assignment is designed to help you set and articulate your goals for this semester using specific goal-setting frameworks like SMART or PACT. You will write a letter to yourself, reflecting on where you are now, where you want to be by the end of the semester, and how you plan to achieve your goals. You will receive this letter back at the end of the semester to see how much you have grown and accomplished.


  1. Introduction:
    • Start your letter by introducing yourself. Briefly describe your current situation as a first-year student: How do you feel about starting this journey? What are your initial thoughts, fears, or excitements about this semester?
  2. Goal Setting:
    • SMART Goals:
      • Specific: What exactly do you want to achieve? Be clear and concise.
      • Measurable: How will you measure your progress? Define indicators of success.
      • Achievable: Is this goal realistic given your current situation and resources?
      • Relevant: How does this goal align with your broader life or academic objectives?
      • Time-bound: What is your deadline for achieving this goal?
    • PACT Goals: (Alternative)
      • Purposeful: What is the deeper meaning or purpose behind this goal?
      • Actionable: What specific steps will you take to achieve this goal?
      • Continuous: How will you ensure ongoing effort and improvement?
      • Trackable: How will you track your progress regularly?
  3. Reflection:
    • Reflect on why these goals are important to you. What motivates you to achieve them? How will reaching these goals impact your life academically, personally, or professionally?
  4. Commitment:
    • Make a commitment to yourself. What actions will you take to stay on track? How will you handle challenges or setbacks?
  5. Conclusion:
    • End your letter with a message to your future self. What do you hope you will have achieved by the time you read this letter again? Include some words of encouragement or advice for the end of the semester.

Submission Details:

These letters will be hand-written and must fill at least one side of a paper. Paper and envelops will be supplied. Write your name on the envelop, but do not seal the envelop.

Due Date

You must turn in your letter no later than in class on Tuesday, September 10.
