Extra Credit

Opportunities for extra credit can be earned throughout the semester. Extra credit is optional but can impact your overall final grade. Up to 75 points total can be earned for extra credit (up to 15 points per activity). Attending two separate activities under the same series, such as the Center for Ethics or Living Writers, are two separate opportunities. Possible extra credit opportunities include attending or participating in certain events or activities:

  • Trexler Transcribes (Links to an external site.) (This is not date-driven and can be done any time during the semester)
  • Center for Ethics: The Ethics of Repair
  • Banned Books Week activities
  • Taking part in a letter-writing campaign (must share information for approval as an extra credit activity)
  • Start a pen pal experience and write about that experience
  • Introduce other topics that are used in class–must provide a post providing a description and rationale for the topic.
  • Use the One-Button Studio to practice your presentation before class (you must submit a link to the recording)
  • Other activities related to letter-writing or epistolary explorations (must share information for approval as an extra credit activity)

Write a reflection on your blog for your extra credit event or activity. These should also go into your “FYS183” category and be tagged #extracredit (as well as other appropriate tags). Submit a link as you do for your weekly writings. 

You should journal about the event or activity within 3 days of the event. You can’t save them all to the very end and then write something up. To earn credit, you have to do a separate post for each activity. 

Submit your extra credit in Canvas.
